from functools import partial
import numpy as np
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
from hoi.metrics.base_hoi import HOIEstimator
from hoi.core.entropies import prepare_for_it
from hoi.core.mi import get_mi, compute_mi_comb
from hoi.utils.progressbar import get_pbar
@partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(2,))
def _compute_syn(inputs, comb, mi_fcn=None):
x, y, ind = inputs
# compute info tot I({x_{1}, ..., x_{n}}; S)
_, i_tot = mi_fcn((x, y), comb)
# select combination
x_c = x[:, comb, :]
# compute max(I(x_{-j}; S))
_, i_maxj = jax.lax.scan(mi_fcn, (x_c, y), ind)
return inputs, i_tot - i_maxj.max(0)
class SynergyMMI(HOIEstimator):
"""Synergy estimated using the Minimum Mutual Information.
x : array_like
Standard NumPy arrays of shape (n_samples, n_features) or
(n_samples, n_features, n_variables)
y : array_like
The feature of shape (n_samples,)
multiplets : list | None
List of multiplets to compute. Should be a list of multiplets, for
example [(0, 1, 2), (2, 7, 8, 9)]. By default, all multiplets are
going to be computed.
__name__ = "Synergy MMI"
_encoding = True
_positive = "synergy"
_negative = "null"
_symmetric = False
def __init__(self, x, y, multiplets=None, verbose=None):
def fit(
self, minsize=2, maxsize=None, method="gc", samples=None, **kwargs
"""Synergy Index.
minsize, maxsize : int | 2, None
Minimum and maximum size of the multiplets
method : {'gc', 'binning', 'knn', 'kernel', callable}
Name of the method to compute entropy. Use either :
* 'gc': gaussian copula entropy [default]. See
* 'gauss': gaussian entropy. See :func:`hoi.core.entropy_gauss`
* 'binning': binning-based estimator of entropy. Note that to
use this estimator, the data have be to discretized. See
* 'knn': k-nearest neighbor estimator. See
* 'kernel': kernel-based estimator of entropy
see :func:`hoi.core.entropy_kernel`
* A custom entropy estimator can be provided. It should be a
callable function written with Jax taking a single 2D input
of shape (n_features, n_samples) and returning a float.
samples : np.ndarray
List of samples to use to compute HOI. If None, all samples are
going to be used.
kwargs : dict | {}
Additional arguments are sent to each MI function
hoi : array_like
The NumPy array containing values of higher-order interactions of
shape (n_multiplets, n_variables)
# ________________________________ I/O ________________________________
# check minsize and maxsize
minsize, maxsize = self._check_minmax(max(minsize, 2), maxsize)
# prepare the x for computing mi
x, kwargs = prepare_for_it(self._x, method, samples=samples, **kwargs)
x, y = self._split_xy(x)
# prepare mi functions
mi_fcn = jax.vmap(get_mi(method=method, **kwargs))
compute_mi = partial(compute_mi_comb, mi=mi_fcn)
compute_syn = partial(_compute_syn, mi_fcn=compute_mi)
# get multiplet indices and order
h_idx, order = self.get_combinations(minsize, maxsize=maxsize)
# get progress bar
pbar = get_pbar(
iterable=range(order.min(), order.max() + 1), leave=False
# _______________________________ HOI _________________________________
offset = 0
hoi = jnp.zeros((len(order), self.n_variables), dtype=jnp.float32)
for msize in pbar:
pbar.set_description(desc="SynMMI order %s" % msize, refresh=False)
# combinations of features
_h_idx = h_idx[order == msize, 0:msize]
# define indices for I(x_{-j}; S)
ind = (jnp.mgrid[0:msize, 0:msize].sum(0) % msize)[:, 1:]
# compute hoi
_, _hoi = jax.lax.scan(compute_syn, (x, y, ind), _h_idx)
# fill variables
n_combs = _h_idx.shape[0]
hoi =[offset : offset + n_combs, :].set(_hoi)
# updates
offset += n_combs
return np.asarray(hoi)