Information-based connectivity metrics and utility functions.
This submodule contains two types of functions :
Connectivity metrics : methods to estimate either the undirected or directed connectivity. Some methods are performed within-trials and others across-trials. In the case of within-trials metrics, it is then possible to estimate if the connectivity is modulated by the task by passing the connectivity arrays to frites.workflow.WfMi
Connectivity related utility functions : small utility functions that work on connectivity arrays
Connectivity metrics#
Single trial Dynamic Functional Connectivity. |
Single-trial covariance-based Granger Causality for gaussian variables. |
Single trial Cross-Correlation Function. |
Wavelet-based single-trial time-resolved spectral connectivity. |
Compute the across-trials transfer entropy (TE). |
Interaction Information on connectivity pairs and behavioral variable. |
Compute the Partial Information Decomposition on connectivity pairs. |
Feature-specific information transfer. |
Utility functions#
Reshaping connectivity outputs#
Reshape a raveled undirected array of connectivity. |
Reshape a raveled directed array of connectivity. |
Ravel a directed array. |
Compute the net on directed connectivity. |
Construct pairwise links for functional connectivity. |
Get possible connectivity pairs for multiple subjects. |
Metrics to apply on FC#
Compute the correlation on dynamic network. |
Define sliding windows#
Define temporal windows. |
Simple plotting function for representing windows. |