
frites.conn.define_windows(times, windows=None, slwin_len=None, slwin_start=None, slwin_stop=None, slwin_step=None, sfreq=None, verbose=None)[source]#

Define temporal windows.

This function can be used to either manually define temporal windows either automatic sliding windows. Note that every input parameters should be in the time domain (e.g seconds or milliseconds).


Time vector

windowsnumpy:array_like | python:None

Manual windows (e.g (.1, .2) or [(.1, .2), (.4, .5)]).

slwin_lenpython:float | python:None

Length of each sliding (e.g .2 produces 200ms window length).

slwin_startpython:float | python:None

Time point for starting sliding windows (e.g 0.1). If None, sliding windows will start from the first time point.

slwin_stoppython:float | python:None

Time point for ending sliding windows (e.g 1.5). If None, sliding windows will finish at the last time point.

slwin_steppython:float | python:None

Temporal step between each temporal window (e.g .1 means that each consecutive windows are going to be separated by 100ms). This parameter can be used to define either overlapping or non-overlapping windows. If None, slwin_step is going to be set to slwin_step in order to produce consecutive non-overlapping windows.

sfreqpython:float | python:None

The sampling frequency


Array of shape (n_windows, 2) of temporal indexes defining where each window (start, finish)


Mean time vector inside each defined window of shape (n_windows,)

See also


Examples using frites.conn.define_windows#

Estimate the Dynamic Functional Connectivity

Estimate the Dynamic Functional Connectivity

Statistical analysis of a stimulus-specific network

Statistical analysis of a stimulus-specific network

Estimate dynamic functional connectivity

Estimate dynamic functional connectivity

Define temporal windows

Define temporal windows