Utility functions#


Global utility functions.

Time-series processing#

downsample(x, sfreq, down[, axis, verbose])

Data downsampling for DataArray.

acf(x[, axis, demean])

Compute the autocorrelation function.

Data smoothing#

savgol_filter(x, h_freq[, axis, sfreq, ...])

Filter the data using Savitzky-Golay polynomial method.

kernel_smoothing(x, kernel[, axis])

Apply a kernel smoothing using the fftconvolve.

Data selection#

time_to_sample(values[, sf, times, round, ...])

Convert values from time to sample space.

get_closest_sample(ref, values[, precision, ...])

Get the sample of closest value in a reference time vector.

split_group(x[, names, axis, new_axis, average])

Split data group.