Illustration of the main functions.
Frites’ tutorials

Statistical analysis of a stimulus-specific network
Multi-subjects dataset#
Build an electrophysiological dataset, with different input types and apply some basing operations to it?

Define an electrophysiological dataset using MNE-Python structures

Define an electrophysiological dataset using Xarray
Group-level statistics on measures of information#
This set of examples illustrate how to perform group-level statistics on measures of information (i.e. measures from the information-theory, machine-learning or measures of distances).

MI between two continuous variables conditioned by a discret one

Compute a conjunction analysis on mutual-information
Information-based estimators#
Set of examples illustrating how to use Frites’ information-based estimators.

Trial-resampling: correcting for unbalanced designs
Connectivity and Information Transfer#
Compute the connectivity using mutual-information such as information transfer.

PID: Decomposing the information carried by pairs of brain regions

Lag estimation between delayed times-series using the cross-correlation
Autoregressive model#
Examples using autoregressive models

AR : conditional covariance based Granger Causality
Illustration of utility functions.
Compararison of the different statistical approaches.

Compare within-subjects statistics when computing mutual information

Compare between-subjects statistics when computing mutual information
Generate simulated data
Set of examples illustrating the performance gains in terms of computing time.

Comparison between tensor and vector based computations
As Frites relies entirely on Xarray format, this set of examples illustrates how to work with Xarray.