
class frites.workflow.WfMi(mi_type='cc', inference='rfx', estimator=None, kernel=None, verbose=None)[source]#

Workflow of local mutual-information and statistics.

This class allows to define a workflow for computing the mutual information and then to evaluate the significance using non-parametric statistics (either within-subjects or between subjects).

mi_type{‘cc’, ‘cd’, ‘ccd’}

The type of mutual information that is going to be performed. Use either :

  • ‘cc’ : mutual information between two continuous variables

  • ‘cd’ : mutual information between a continuous and a discret variables

  • ‘ccd’ : mutual information between two continuous variables conditioned by a third discret one

inference{“ffx”, “rfx”}

Statistical inferences that is desired. Use either :

  • ‘ffx’ : fixed-effect to make inferences only for the population that have been used

  • ‘rfx’ : random-effect to generalize inferences to a random population.

By default, the workflow uses group level inference (‘rfx’)

estimatorMIEstimator | python:None

Estimator of mutual-information. If None, the Gaussian-Copula is used instead.

kernelnumpy:array_like | python:None

Kernel for smoothing true and permuted MI. For example, use np.hanning(3) for a 3 time points smoothing or np.ones((3)) for a moving average


Friston et al., 1996, 1999 [8][9]


List of length (n_roi) of true mutual information.


List of length (n_roi) of permuted mutual information.


T-values array of shape (n_times, n_roi) when group level analysis is selected.


Get the workflow of statistics.



Clean computations.

confidence_interval(dataset[, ci, n_boots, ...])

Estimate the empirical confidence interval.

conjunction_analysis([p, mcp, cluster_th, ...])

Perform a conjunction analysis.


Return copy of WfMi instance.

fit([dataset, mcp, n_perm, cluster_th, ...])

Run the workflow on a dataset.

get_params(*params[, cis, n_boots, random_state])

Get formatted parameters.


Clean computations.

confidence_interval(dataset, ci=95, n_boots=200, rfx_es='mi', n_jobs=- 1, random_state=None, verbose=None)[source]#

Estimate the empirical confidence interval.


A dataset instance. If the workflow has already been fitted, then this parameter can remains to None.

cipython:float, python:list | 95

Confidence level to use in percentage. Use either a single float (e.g. 95, 99 etc.) or a list of floats (e.g. [95, 99])

n_bootspython:int | 200

Number of resampling to perform

rfx_es{‘mi’, ‘tvalues’}

For the RFX model, specify whether the confidence interval has to be estimated on a measure of effect size in bits (‘mi’) or on second-level t-test (‘tvalues’)

n_jobspython:int | -1

Number of jobs to use for parallel computing (use -1 to use all jobs)

random_statepython:int | python:None

Fix the random state of the machine (use it for reproducibility). If None, a random state is randomly assigned.


Confidence interval array of shape (n_ci, 2, n_times, n_roi) where n_ci describe the number of confidence levels define with the input parameter ci, and 2 represents the lower and upper bounds of the confidence interval

Examples using confidence_interval:

Estimate the empirical confidence interval

Estimate the empirical confidence interval
conjunction_analysis(p=0.05, mcp='cluster', cluster_th=None, cluster_alpha=0.05)[source]#

Perform a conjunction analysis.

This method can be used in order to determine the number of subjects that present a significant effect at a given significiency threshold. Note that in order to work, the workflow of mutual information must have already been launched using the


In order to work this method require that the workflow has been defined with inference=’rfx’ so that MI are computed per subject

ppython:float | 0.05

Significiency threshold to find significant effect per subject.

kwargspython:dict | {}

Optional arguments are the same as method.


DataArray of shape (n_subjects, n_times, n_roi) describing where each subject have significant MI


DataArray of shape (n_times, n_roi) describing the number of subjects that have a significant MI

Examples using conjunction_analysis:

Compute a conjunction analysis on mutual-information

Compute a conjunction analysis on mutual-information

Return copy of WfMi instance.

epochsinstance of WfMi

A copy of the object.

fit(dataset=None, mcp='cluster', n_perm=1000, cluster_th=None, cluster_alpha=0.05, n_jobs=- 1, random_state=None, **kw_stats)[source]#

Run the workflow on a dataset.

In order to run the worflow, you must first provide a dataset instance (see frites.dataset.DatasetEphy)


When performing statistics at the cluster-level, we only test the cluster size. This means that in your results, you can only discuss about the presence of a significant cluster without being precise about its spatio-temporal properties (see [17])


A dataset instance. If the workflow has already been fitted, then this parameter can remains to None.

mcp{‘cluster’, ‘maxstat’, ‘fdr’, ‘bonferroni’, ‘nostat’, python:None}

Method to use for correcting p-values for the multiple comparison problem. Use either :

  • ‘cluster’ : cluster-based statistics [default]

  • ‘maxstat’ : test-wise maximum statistics correction

  • ‘fdr’ : test-wise FDR correction

  • ‘bonferroni’ : test-wise Bonferroni correction

  • ‘nostat’ : permutations are computed but no statistics are performed

  • ‘noperm’ / None : no permutations are computed

n_permpython:int | 1000

Number of permutations to perform in order to estimate the random distribution of mi that can be obtained by chance

cluster_thpython:str, python:float | python:None

The threshold to use for forming clusters. Use either :

  • a float that is going to act as a threshold

  • None and the threshold is automatically going to be inferred using the distribution of permutations

  • ‘tfce’ : for Threshold Free Cluster Enhancement

cluster_alphapython:float | 0.05

Control the percentile to use for forming the clusters. By default the 95th percentile of the permutations is used.

n_jobspython:int | -1

Number of jobs to use for parallel computing (use -1 to use all jobs)

random_statepython:int | python:None

Fix the random state of the machine (use it for reproducibility). If None, a random state is randomly assigned.

kw_statspython:dict | {}

Additional arguments are sent to

mi, pvaluesnumpy:array_like

DataArray of mutual information and p-values both of shapes (n_times, n_roi). If inference is ‘ffx’ the mi represents the MI computed across subjects while if it is ‘rfx’ it’s the mean across subjects.


Maris and Oostenveld, 2007 [13]

Examples using fit:

Statistical analysis of a stimulus-specific network

Statistical analysis of a stimulus-specific network

MI between two continuous variables conditioned by a discret one

MI between two continuous variables conditioned by a discret one

MI between a continuous and a discret variables

MI between a continuous and a discret variables

MI between two continuous variables

MI between two continuous variables

Compute MI across time and frequencies

Compute MI across time and frequencies

Investigate relation of order

Investigate relation of order

Compute a conjunction analysis on mutual-information

Compute a conjunction analysis on mutual-information

Compare within-subjects statistics when computing mutual information

Compare within-subjects statistics when computing mutual information

Compare between-subjects statistics when computing mutual information

Compare between-subjects statistics when computing mutual information

Estimate the empirical confidence interval

Estimate the empirical confidence interval

Generate spatio-temporal ground-truths

Generate spatio-temporal ground-truths
get_params(*params, cis=95, n_boots=200, random_state=None)[source]#

Get formatted parameters.

This method can be used to get internal arrays formatted as xarray DataArray.


Internal array names to get as xarray DataArray. You can use :

  • ‘tvalues’ : DataArray of t-values of shape (n_times, n_roi). Only possible with RFX inferences

  • ‘mi_ss’ : DataArray of single subject mutual-information of shape (n_subjects, n_times, n_roi)

  • ‘perm_ss’ : DataArray of computed permutations of shape (n_perm, n_subjects, n_times, n_roi)

  • perm_’ : DataArray of maximum computed permutations of shape (n_perm,)

  • ‘mi_ci’ : DataArray of confidence interval computed when taking the mean of MI across subjects (or sessions). The output shape is (n_ci, 2, n_times, n_roi) where n_ci describe the number of confidence levels define with the input parameter ci, and 2 represents the lower and upper bounds of the confidence interval

cipython:float, python:list | 95

Confidence level to use in percentage. Use either a single float (e.g. 95, 99 etc.) or a list of floats (e.g. [95, 99])

n_bootspython:int | 200

Number of resampling to perform

random_statepython:int | python:None

Fix the random state of the machine (use it for reproducibility). If None, a random state is randomly assigned.

property mi#

List of length (n_roi) of true mutual information. Each element of this list has a shape of (n_subjects, n_times) if inference is ‘rfx’ (1, n_times) if inference is ‘ffx’.

property mi_p#

List of length (n_roi) of permuted mutual information. Each element of this list has a shape of (n_perm, n_subjects, n_times) if inference is ‘rfx’ (n_perm, 1, n_times) if inference is ‘ffx’.

property tvalues#

T-values array of shape (n_times, n_roi) when group level analysis is selected.

property wf_stats#

Get the workflow of statistics.

Examples using frites.workflow.WfMi#

Statistical analysis of a stimulus-specific network

Statistical analysis of a stimulus-specific network

MI between two continuous variables conditioned by a discret one

MI between two continuous variables conditioned by a discret one

MI between a continuous and a discret variables

MI between a continuous and a discret variables

MI between two continuous variables

MI between two continuous variables

Compute MI across time and frequencies

Compute MI across time and frequencies

Investigate relation of order

Investigate relation of order

Compute a conjunction analysis on mutual-information

Compute a conjunction analysis on mutual-information

Mutual-information at the contact level

Mutual-information at the contact level

Compare within-subjects statistics when computing mutual information

Compare within-subjects statistics when computing mutual information

Compare between-subjects statistics when computing mutual information

Compare between-subjects statistics when computing mutual information

Estimate the empirical confidence interval

Estimate the empirical confidence interval

Generate spatio-temporal ground-truths

Generate spatio-temporal ground-truths