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Define temporal windows#
This example illustrates how to define temporal windows that can then be used to compute, for example, the dynamic functional connectivity. In this example, we show how to define either custom windows or sliding windows with different sizes.
import numpy as np
from frites.conn import define_windows, plot_windows
from frites import set_mpl_style
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
Simulate data#
Let’s start by creating a simple sinusoide with a time vector. Then, to
define windows we are going to use the function
and also
for plotting.
n_pts = 1000
period = .2 # 200ms period
times = np.linspace(-1, 1.5, n_pts, endpoint=True)
x = np.sin(2 * np.pi * (1. / period) * times)
Manually define windows#
The first feature we illustrate here, is to define windows manually which means, based on the time vector, where each window should start and finish.
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
# by default, if you don't provide any input, the full time window is going to
# be considered
win = define_windows(times)[0]
plot_windows(times, win, x, title='No input = full time window')
# however, you can also specify where each window start and finish. Here, we
# define a simple unique window between [-.5, .5]
win = define_windows(times, windows=[-.5, .5])[0]
plot_windows(times, win, x, title='Unique window [-.5, .5]')
# but you can also specify multiple windows
win = define_windows(times, windows=[[-.75, -.25], [.25, .75]])[0]
plot_windows(times, win, x, title='Multiple windows manually defined')
![No input = full time window, Unique window [-.5, .5], Multiple windows manually defined](../../_images/sphx_glr_plot_time_windows_001.png)
Define sliding windows#
You can also define sliding windows which can be controlled through four parameters :
slwin_len = window length
slwin_start = starting time point
slwin_stop = stopping time point
slwin_step = step time between consecutive windows
# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 2
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
# if you only gives the length, consecutive windows are defined from first to
# last time point
win = define_windows(times, slwin_len=.2)[0]
plot_windows(times, win, x, title='200ms consecutive windows')
# but you can also change where the sliding window start
win = define_windows(times, slwin_len=.2, slwin_start=-.5)[0]
plot_windows(times, win, x, title='Start sliding windows from -.5s')
# in addition, you can also define where it stop
win = define_windows(times, slwin_len=.2, slwin_start=-.5, slwin_stop=.52)[0]
plot_windows(times, win, x,
title='Start sliding windows from -.5s and finish at .5s')
# finally, we can control the "distance" between each consecutive window. For
# example, if the length is 200ms and a distance of 150ms, it is equivalent to
# a 25% overlap
win = define_windows(times, slwin_len=.2, slwin_start=-.75, slwin_stop=1,
plot_windows(times, win, x,
title='Sliding windows from [-.75, 1]s with 25% overlap')
![200ms consecutive windows, Start sliding windows from -.5s, Start sliding windows from -.5s and finish at .5s, Sliding windows from [-.75, 1]s with 25% overlap](../../_images/sphx_glr_plot_time_windows_002.png)
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 2.747 seconds)
Estimated memory usage: 79 MB